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CVG Airport opens first sensory room for children


soft-furniture Soft furniture and squeezy chairs
Furniture in the sensory room invite children to plop down and relax.

therapy-rocker Therapy rocker
The therapy rocker providers gentle movement for children.

interactive-walls Interactive walls
One wall plays animal sounds or music as a child places their hand on the wall. The other wall lights up with interesting and calming colors.

bubble-tube Bubble tube
The green bubble tube provides children with the opportunity to focus on visual movement.

small-house Small house
This small, soft house is for kids who need their own hide-out before or after a busy flight.

kids-landing Where is the sensory room located?
The room is located next to the Over the Rhine Market in Concourse A and diagonal from Starbucks.

CVG strives to provide a safe, welcoming, and accessible journey to all travelers. For questions about accessibility, [click here] or email info@cvgairport.com.